How to Order
Click the or beside the item you want.
A PayPal window will pop up to guide you through the buying process. It looks like the example to the right (click the image to enlarge it):
You can choose the amounts, your currency, etc. in the PayPal popup window. Secure, online ordering with PayPal. What is PayPal? You do not need a PayPal account to pay, just use your credit card (or online checking), then once you are at the processing page you simply need to click on the "Continue" link (see example on the right). Your order will be processed by PayPal, using your credit card. You can still choose to pay by a PayPal account, too.
NOTE: If you are experiencing difficulty paying, please phone us at
1-250-890-3668. We will return your call as quickly as possible.
1-250-890-FOOT (1-250-890-3668)
(M-F 9AM-4PM Pacific Time, same time as San Francisco.)
Send us an email here.
Send us a money order (include S & H, see below) to:
Prices are in United States Dollars. When paying with PayPal online, you can determine your choice of currency (US$, Canadian$, Euros, Pounds Sterling, and Yen). List of all our Products here. Send a payment to us. Low Shipping and Handling: